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Let's talk about a revolution...


✔ You have professional success, but you really want to revolutionize your disordered culture. 


✔ You want to undo the damage that stress has done to your psyche, body, and relationships.


✔ You're saddened by ecologic loss on our planet, and you long to regenerate it.  


✔ Your motivations have radically changed in recent years, and you want to align your lifestyle with who you are now. 

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Private Mentorship

Rising into your TRUTH means shedding old ideas about who you are and how you're "supposed" to live. 


In this process, it's normal to experience challenges in your psyche, body, and relationships. 


Let's move through these challenges  so you can birth your next chapter. 

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Rooted Rebirth

You're done playing a role in the status quo. You're ready to let go of the old you and get your hands dirty for cultural revolution and ecologic regeneration. â€‹


That means you're amid an identity-death, transformationand rebirth process, and you need guidance. This course will meet you there. 

Download my FREE E-book:
Energetics of Relationship

Amanda Blain
Therapist. Coach. Educator. 

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Amanda Blain is a Holistic Biopsychosocial Therapist, Stress and Trauma Specialist, Leadership Coach, Cross-Cultural Educator, and former Peace Corps volunteer.

She has studied internationally with mind-body scientists, former United Nations consultants, and the world's leading experts on trauma. She has learned from indigenous teachers and healers in South Africa and North and Central America, and completed Dr. Bessel van der Kolk's Traumatic Stress Studies Certificate program, as well as ongoing studies through the National Institute for Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine. 


This dynamic background, combined with her personal journey of healing from complex-PTSD, has enabled her to lead thousands of classes and programs in 6 countries. Today she lives among the Mayan people of Guatemala while working remotely with clients from all over the world. 

Her programs have resulted in transformation even for clients who were previously discouraged by DECADES of unsuccessful mainstream therapy. 


Amanda limits the number of private clients she works with to provide a high-level of customized support to each person. If you are interested in private sessions, click here to book a consultation. 


See client testimonials here

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